The wool/bunting field of this important flag is composed of 13 horizontal alternating red and white stripes each about 3 inches wide, top stripe is red, bottom stripe is red. Inset into the field, and extending through seven stripes from the top, is a dark blue canton (union) 29 inches wide on the fly x 20.25 inches, with 38 stars, each about 2.25 inches across, press dyed on the obverse and reverse sides, in five horizontal rows, 8-7-8-7-8, aligned veritically as well as horizontally, the three stars in the rows of 8 extended forward toward the heading. The flag is hand stitched and is attached with brass grommets in the ends of the white canvas heading. From the star pattern and the utilization of press dying (probably in accordance with Holt's Patent of April 26, 1870) suggests that this flag was produced by the United States Bunting Company of Lowell, Massachusetts. Date: 1877 - 1889.
Original Owner : Grandfather of donor, Charles E. White born 10/09/1843 - died 10/09/190?, Grand Army of the Republic (Civil War), Wilson Post. Carried during Spanish-American War. GAR Medal accompanies flag. Woven red and white An important flag from the Star Spangled Banner Flag House Collection.
stripes pieced to printed blue field.
ZFC Important Flag
Item is framed