Obverse - edit
Obverse - edit

Obverse - edit



Book Photo

Book Photo

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Obverse - 2

Book Photo - edit

Book Photo - edit

Obverse - edit 2

Obverse - edit 2


U.S. 13 Star Boat Flag - "The Old Flag of the War"

Sub-collection: Mastai - Early American Flags

13 Star U.S. Flag #12 Navy Boat Flag, "The Old Flag of the War 1861-1865".
Within the allowances for loose tolerances and shrinkage, this thirteen-star, United States flag conforms to the dimensions specified from 1863 through 1882 for the No. 12 (7 feet fly dimension) boat flag. The attached panel indicates that it saw Civil War service, though a ship's name has not been recorded. The heading has a pair of brass grommets. Although brass grommets began to be popular substitutes for hand-sewn buttonhole eyelets among commercial flag manufacturers of the 1860s, they were not used with U.S. Navy boat flags until the 1890s. Hence, it is thought that this flag was furnished to the U.S. Navy during the American Civil War by a contracted flag maker.

Exhibition History:

First Presidio Exhibit
Thirteen-Star, United States Navy Boat Flag, No. 12

Second Presidio Exhibit Gallery One Copy 2003
13-Star United States Navy Boat Flag No.12

Publication History:
Madaus, Howard M., Dr, Whitney Smith, The American Flag: Two Centuries of Concord and Conflict. Santa Cruz: VZ Publications, 2006, p. 22.

• Acquired by Mr. & Mrs. Boleslaw & Marie-Louise D'Otrange Mastai, New York City, and Amagansett, NY, The Mastai Collection, until 2002.
• Sold via Sotheby's Auction in New York City to the Zaricor Flag Collection, 2002.

ZFC Significant Flag
Item is Framed


Madaus, Howard M.- Whitney Smith, The American Flag: Two Centuries of Concord and Conflict, VZ Publications, Santa Cruz, 2006.

Mastai, Boleslaw and Marie-Louise D'Otrange, The Stars and The Stripes: The American Flag as Art and as History from the Birth of the republic to the Present, Knopf, New York, 1973.

Preble, George Henry, The History of the Flag of the United States of America, Boston, Houghton, Mifflin & Co. 1894.

US Navy "Boat" Flag , Dave Martucci's Flag Pages, 10 October 2011, from: http://www.vexman.net/smalboat.htm

Image Credits:
Zaricor Flag Collection.

Hoist & Fly

Width of Hoist 46.25
Length of Fly 84


Is it framed? yes
Frame Height 55
Frame Length 92


Number of Stars 13
How are the stars embeded? Sewn
Are there stars on obverse? no
Are there stars on reverse? no


Number of Stripes 13
Color of Top Stripe Red
Color of Bottom Stripe Red
Has a Blood Stripe? no


Nation Represented United States


Fabric Wool
Comments on Fabric Bunting


Method of Attachment Grommets


Applique Sides Double Sided = Two sides different


All original documents and drawings are held in the Zaricor Flag Collection Archives.
All original documents and drawings are held in the Zaricor Flag Collection Archives.
Research Documents
All original documents and drawings are held in the Zaricor Flag Collection Archives.
Public Copy & Signs


Condition Good
Damage Used
Displayable no


Date 1861-1865


Exhibition Copy First Presidio Exhibit
Thirteen-Star, United States Navy Boat Flag, No. 12
Date: About 1863-1865
Media: Wool bunting with cotton stars; hand sewn, canvas heading with brass grommets
Comment: Within the allowances for loose tolerances and shrinkage, this thirteen-star, United States flag conforms to the dimensions specified from 1863 through 1882 for the No. 12 (7 feet fly dimension) boat flag. The attached panel indicates that it saw Civil War service, though a ship's name has not been recorded. The heading has a pair of brass grommets. Although brass grommets began to be popular substitutes for hand-sewn buttonhole eyelets among commercial flag manufacturers of the 1860s, they were not used with U.S. Navy boat flags until the 1890s. Hence, it is thought that this flag was furnished to the U.S. Navy during the American Civil War by a contracted flag maker.
Provenance: Acquired by the Zaricor Flag Collection (ZFC0632) in 2002 from the Mastai Flag Collection of New York City through auction at Sothebys.

Second Presidio Exhibit Gallery One Copy 2003
13-Star United States Navy Boat Flag No.12
Date: About 18631865 Media:
Wool bunting with cotton stars, hand-sewn, canvas heading with brass grommets
Comment: With allowance for loose tolerances and shrinkage, this 13-star United States flag conforms to the dimensions specified from 1863 through 1882 for the No. 12, 7-foot fly dimension, boat flag. The panel later attached to the flag indicates that it saw Civil War service, though a ship's name has not been recorded. The heading bears a pair of brass grommets. Although such grommets began to be popular substitutes for hand-sewn buttonhole eyelets among commercial flag manufacturers in the 1860s, they were not utilized with U.S. Navy boat flags until the 1890s. Hence, it is believed that this flag was furnished to the U.S. Navy during the American Civil War by a contracted flag-maker.
Provenance: Acquired by the Zaricor Flag Collection (ZFC0632) in 2002 from the Mastai Flag Collection through auction at Sotheby's of New York City.


Publication Copy Madaus, Howard M., Dr, Whitney Smith, The American Flag: Two Centuries of Concord and Conflict. Santa Cruz: VZ Publications, 2006, p. 22.

13-Star United States Navy Boat Flag, Size No. 12
With allowance for loose tolerances and shrinkage, this 13-star United States flag conforms to the dimensions specified from 1863 through 1882 for the No. 12 size, 7-foot fly dimension, boat flag. The panel later attached to the flag indicates that it saw Civil War service, although it has not been recorded on what ship. The heading bears a pair of brass grommets. Although such grommets began to be popular substitutes to supplant hand-sewn buttonhole eyelets among commercial flag manufacturers in the 1860s, they were not employed on U.S. Navy boat flags until the 1890s. Hence, it is believed that this flag was furnished to the U.S. Navy during the American Civil War by a contracted flag-maker.
Date: About 1863 1865
Size: 46.5" hoist x 84" fly
Media: Wool bunting with cotton stars; hand-sewn, canvas heading with brass grommets
Provenance: Acquired by the Zaricor Flag
Collection in 2002 from the Mastai Flag Collection through auction at Sotheby's of New York City. ZFC063

Druckman, Nancy, Jeffery Kohn, The American Flag: Designs for a Young Nation, New York, Abrams, 2003.P.55.
Flag Books
The Stars and The Stripes - Mastai

The Stars and The Stripes - Mastai