U.S. Navy - Naval Air Systems Command Ceremonial Flag
This colorful nylon machine-sewn appliqué flag is a ceremonial flag for the U.S. Navy's Naval Air Systems Command (NAVAIR). It was created in 1966 and subsumed and expanded the aeronautical functions of the Navy's Bureau of Weapons and the Bureau of Aeronautics. The flag displays the original 'NAVAIR' seal on a gold- yellow field. The seal consists of the U.S. naval aviator wings placed over concentric unequal circles of dark blue, sky blue, white and red. The command's designation is marked with white curved lettering on the outer dark blue circle. Two white five-point stars differentiate the upper and lower parts of the designation.
The stars were the insignia of the grade of 'rear admiral'. This rank refers to the flag officer commanding NAVAIR. Currently the seal displays three stars reflecting the current grade of the NAVAIR commander, a vice admiral.
• Made under contract for U.S. Navy, Air Systems Command, circa. 1966.
• Purchased though Internet Auction by Louise Veninga Zaricor for Zaricor Flag Collection, 1999.
Naval Air Systems Command (NAVAIR), 23 June 2013, from: http://www.navair.navy.mil/index.cfm
Flags of U.S. Navy Commands, Sea Flags, 23 June 2013, from: http://mysite.verizon.net/vzeohzt4/Seaflags/miscnavy/commands.html
Ntp 13 (B), Naval Telecommunications Procedures Flags, Pennants & Customs, Washington, D.C Naval Computer And Telecommunications Command, 1986, P. 17-7.
Naval Air Systems Command (NAVAIR), 23 June 2013, from: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Naval_Air_Systems_Command
Zaricor Flag Collection (ZFC) Archives, 2013.
Image Credits:
Zaricor Flag Collection