
Title information is available upon specific request. Additional information available upon request to researchers, writers and others demonstrating special circumstances. In some situations, information may not be available.
Exhibition Copy University of California - Santa Cruz
Board of Councilors Meeting, Rare Flags Exhibit
Santa Cruz, CA
7 June 2012

Santa Cruz, CA, June 7, 2012: The Zaricor Flag Collection exhibited 34 flags and artifacts at the University of California Santa Cruz Campus for the Board of Councilors Meeting.

People's Liberation Army Flag,
Unit 8706 with Red Guard Armband

Date: 1968

Media: Printed silk & printed cotton.

Comment: The Red Guards were paramilitary units of radical students and workers which were formed during the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution or Chinese Cultural Revolution from 1966 to 1976. It was the response to Mao
Zedong's call to revitalize the revolutionary spirit of the Chinese Communist
Party, and by extension China itself.
During this era the Red Guards made banners and flags and began wearing
red armbands, scarves and pins and carrying the infamous Little Red Book. As
evidenced by this flag, the students and workers evolved a cult of Mao, and his
image often graced these items.
Translation of the characters reads: "Memorial to honor, having received a
cordial meeting with the great leader Chairman Mao on August 11th 1968; The
great leader Chairman Mao meeting with military cadres is the greatest glory
and the great happiness of our army; all the comrades of the 8706th unit having
participated in Mao Zedong Thought call held by Chinese Communist Party
Central Committee in Beijing."
This is framed with a companion piece, ZFC3016, an armband inscribed,
"Proletarian revolutionary rebels' great unified command center City of Tianjin,
Copper Electrolysis Plant."
Chinese Cultural Revolution items, while ubiquitous in China between
1966 and 1976, are quire scarce in the West.

Provenance: Acquired by Zaricor Flag Collection (ZFC0753 & ZFC3016) by private purchase in 2004.

Title information is available upon specific request. Additional information available upon request to researchers, writers and others demonstrating special circumstances. In some situations, information may not be available.