
Title information is available upon specific request. Additional information available upon request to researchers, writers and others demonstrating special circumstances. In some situations, information may not be available.
Number of Stars 4
How are the stars embeded? Applique
Are there stars on obverse? yes
Are there stars on reverse? yes


Title information is available upon specific request. Additional information available upon request to researchers, writers and others demonstrating special circumstances. In some situations, information may not be available.
Has a Blood Stripe? no


Title information is available upon specific request. Additional information available upon request to researchers, writers and others demonstrating special circumstances. In some situations, information may not be available.
Description of Crest/Emblem Old Glory Blue fouled anchor, with one 5 point star in each corner.

Title information is available upon specific request. Additional information available upon request to researchers, writers and others demonstrating special circumstances. In some situations, information may not be available.