This flag was used in Lodge Meetings of the Junior Order, Un. Aw. Mechanics (Fairmont Council # 63, 414 S. Conkling Street, Baltimore, Maryland) and was one of two 44-star flags donated by Mrs. Charles F. Buechler Sr. to the Star Spangled Banner Flag House, Baltimore, Maryland.

The pieced red, white, and blue fabric appears to be wool. The field is composed of 13 horizontal alternating red and white stripes each about 4 inches wide, top stripe is red, bottom stripe is red. Inset into the field, and extending through seven stripes from the top, is a dark blue canton (union) 30.25 inches wide on the fly x 24 inches, with 44 stars, each 2.5 inches across, appliqud on the obverse and reverse sides. The stars are arranged in six horizontal rows: 8-7-7-7-7-8, with the rows of seven staggered. The three exterior edges of the flag are adorned with a 1.5 inch gold fringe, usually associated with military flags, but in this case represents simple docoration on a civil organization and was intended for indoor display. The flag is machine stitched with cotton thread. The flag is attached with brass grommets at each end of the 2 inch wide cotton canvas heading. Date: 1891 - 1895. Framed (outside dimensions 53 x 82).

An important flag from the Star Spangled Banner Flag House Collection.

ZFC Important Flag
Item is Framed