International Naval Ensigns & Jacks

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International Naval Ensigns & Jacks

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ZFC3577 - USSR, Cruiser Aurora, unique, Order of the Oct. Revolution & Military Order of the Red Banner, Holiday Ensign, 1992. This variant of the Soviet Naval Ensign is from the Cruiser Aurora, a ship with a long and distinguished career. The Aurora is an armored cruiser currently preserved and serving as a school and museum in Saint Petersburg, Russia.

ZFC0228 - Lead Royal Navy ship, D-Day Operation Overlord, Invasion of Normandy, 1944. This battle ensign was on the leading Royal Navy ship of the invasion that assaulted the Normandy beaches on June 6, 1944. Commander Anthony Kimmins secured the flag for Calvin Bullock for his return visit to New York.

ZFC0514 - France Ensign, FFL Aconite WWII, Sank 2 German U-Boats on same day, 1943. An iconic French ensign which embodies the brief, yet brave, struggle of French forces against fascist Germany in the opening years of WWII. This flag comes from the FNFL corvette 'Aconite' and was part of the Bullock Collection.

ZFC0232 - Royal Canadian Navy White Ensign, HMCS Wetaskiwin, "Battle of the Atlantic," 1943. This White Ensign, according to Calvin Bullock's documentation was "From His Majesty's Canadian Corvette WETASKIWIN, which for long had been flown in both the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans."

ZFC0503 - Lead Royal Navy ship Eastern Tack Force, Operation Husky, Invasion of Sicily, 1943. Due to wartime security constraints, the name of the vessel that wore this ensign remains unknown. The documentation states only that it flew on the task force leading the allied attacks on Sicily.

ZFC0229 - United Kingdom Ensign of HMS Penelope, flown during the Siege of Malta, WWII. One of the jewels in the Bullock Collection is this White Ensign battle flag from the Siege of Malta in 1942 against German and Italian air and naval forces.

ZFC3114 - Canada, Blue Ensign, HMCS Naval Jack, 1939 - 1945, WWII. This small, flag with a dye-screened badge was the official Royal Canadian Civil Ensign & Jack, and was the approved design from 1921 until 1957. It was used by His Majesty's Royal Canadian Navy as a jack and by vessels of the Canadian government as an ensign.

ZFC1085 - A Royal Indian Navy Jack with Star of India Badge, WWII. This Royal Indian Navy Jack was presented to Calvin Bullock in October of 1943, by Sir Girja Bajpai, K.B.E., C.I.E. who was Agent General of India in the U.S. and an ardent supporter of India in the allied war effort.

ZFC3270 - Jack of the Royal Australian Navy (RAN), WWII. This blue ensign would have been used either a jack for vessels of the RAN or as a courtesy ensign for other vessels in Australian ports.

ZFC1089 - French Ensign, Battleship Richelieu WWII, 1944. A French ensign from the famous WWII battleship 'Richelieu,' presented to Calvin Bullock by the Chief of the French Naval in 1943 as the battleship underwent refitting at Brooklyn Navy Yard.

ZFC0502 - U.K. Royal Navy White Ensign of the battleship HMS Malaya, Battle of Taranto, Suez, Operation Harpoon, 1940-1941. HMS Malaya was a Queen Elizabeth class battleship that fought at the battle of Jutland during World War I and went on, after modernization, to play a key role in the British Admiralty's Mediterranean campaigns.

ZFC3400 - U.K. Exceptionally rare Union Jack flown on HMS Spartiate at the Battle of Trafalgar. A rare and finely preserved Union Jack flag which was flown from the jackstaff of HMS Spartiate at the battle of Trafalgar on the 21st October, 1805. It is the last documented flag to survive from that iconic battle. Presented by the crew to Lt. James Clephan for gallantry, 1805.