The United Kingdom and the British Empire participated perhaps like no other nation during World War II, and presented here are flags and ensigns from every part of that far flung empire which included soldiers, sailors and airmen from many races, ethnicities and nationalities.
Paramount among the flags in this Grouping is the command guidon of the British Airborne, which displayed the now infamous ????winged Pegasus??? insignia, which lent its name to one of the hardest fought battles fought by the British ????Tommy??? ????Pegasus Bridge.
Also included here are flags and ensigns from Australia to Pakistan to Canada the Royal Air Force and Royal Navy ??airborne troops and POWs, which represent the totality of the service of the Commonwealth.
One artifact of interest is a POW embroidered pair of 1942-1944, U.K. Glider Pilot Regiment Army Flying Badge wings. The Glider pilot who wore these wings was likely captured after a battles in Sicily, Normandy, Southern France, or Arnhem.
The Royal Pakistan Artillery was formed after WWII and the Royal Air Force ensign is attributed to UK Glider forces. The other Commonwealth ensigns demonstrate the far-flung nature of the British Empire. The empire was not immune to popular culture and this Grouping features an Australian felt pennant commemorating the battle for the Capture of Tarakan on Borneo in Indonesia in 1945. Such souvenir pennants are almost unknown outside Australia.
Also included here is an extremely rare golden yellow Allied Airborne Drop Panel. These were used by glider and airborne troops to mark landing zones and resupply areas. Due to their utilitarian nature these panels were consumable field expedients, few of which were preserved.
Item Ref | Item Name | Sub-Collection | |
ZFC1242 | Royal Pakistan Artillery Centre Camp Flag. | Military / Other Countries | |
ZFC3287 | UK Royal Air Force Ensign. | Jim Mountain Military Historical Sub-collection | |
ZFC3269 | United Kingdom // Merchant Ensign (RED) / WWII | Jim Mountain Military Historical Sub-collection | |
ZFC3271 | Canada // National Flag / WWII | Jim Mountain Military Historical Sub-collection | |
ZFC3266 | U.K. Royal Artillery, Camp Flag, WWII. | Jim Mountain Military Historical Sub-collection | |
ZFC3270 | Royal Australian Navy Jack, WWII. | Jim Mountain Military Historical Sub-collection | |
ZFC3114 | Royal Canadian Navy Jack -1939 - 1945, WWII | Canada | |
ZFC3268 | United Kingdom // Jack / Canada MFG - WWII | Jim Mountain Military Historical Sub-collection | |
ZFC3267 | Canada Red Ensign, homemade - Airborne Association | Jim Mountain Military Historical Sub-collection | |
ZFC3212 | U.K. Royal Army Service Corps Ensign. | United Kingdom | |
ZFC2179 | UK // Royal Air Force Wings / Bundles for Britain | Flag related Pins & Jewelry | |
ZFC3309 | UK // Glider Insignia / POW made | Jim Mountain Military Historical Sub-collection | |
ZFC2419 | Australia // Capture of Tarakan / Pennant | Australia/Pacific |